To Begin Again

To Begin Again is a slow journey inside the lives of five eco-communities immersed in the European landscape. Reconnection with nature, spirituality and sexuality are the interwoven elements shaping the work, which portrays communities whose lifestyles contrast the narrative of commodity culture. Metaphorical islands reshaping new forms of political resistance committed in creating new systems based on self-sustainability and community frameworks.
The five communities, located in England, Spain, Portugal and Italy, explored in the project stem from a diverse yet common wave of historical and political movements such as the New Age, the student movements of the 70’s and environmentalists groups. The work, developed between 2014 and 2019, started as a research on self-sustainability and progressively extended its focus on communities based on free love and sexuality and/or embracing spirituality.
Archipelago maps a group of otherwise unconnected communities as a method to blend a diverse range of themes and questioning a possible interconnection between these spheres of life, yet suggesting a mosaic image of an utopian society that integrates and researches such fundamental aspects of human existence as love, nature, spirituality and community.

Chapter I - Neo Peasants

Chapter II - The Biotope

Chapter III - The Valley

Chapter IIII - City of Light

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